Driver: A Novel With a View

What really happens at a bachelor party? In light of recent scandals involving exotic dancers doing private shows, the number of us who ask that question is inevitably increasing. The answer is hard to come by, and accounts vary; there are many topics that could be addressed in the context of women taking their clothes off and contorting their bodies for money. Driver shares the stories of one man’s observations working as driver and bouncer to strippers. Tanner Turner’s entertaining and enlightening insights from his decade long career address the social, psychological, and cultural issues behind stripping.

In a sense, I am a reporter. I have taken interviews with Tanner Turner and turned them into a series of stories that anyone can sit down and read. Together these stories become a novel of sex and psychology. Sure, the outfits the girls wear have been forgotten over time, and I took the liberty to make up the polka dots and lacey fringe for the sake of the story, but the guts of the story are true. I have taken his perspective, and I have laced it with my own thoughts.

Tanner has started to hear through the grapevine about these “girls” becoming women. They’ve turned themselves into more than bodies; they’ve become cops, teachers, and mothers, even doctors. I think our obsession with the female (and male) bodies have come as result of being trapped in an adolescent state. We’ve got to become comfortable with our own bodies before we stop trying to posses and control other people’s bodies. This book begins to unravel the dynamics of men’s behaviors as they watch strippers, and in doing so begins to shed light on some of the cultural fixations on women’s bodies as objects.

We have a story. Several of them, in fact, which together make up a larger story. If you are looking for material to publish, please contact us.

Driver on Playboy Radio Night Calls

David Gold and Daisy Lamar were interviewed on Playboy Radio (Sirius Channel 198) on November 7th!

At 5pm, David and I entered the studio with pornstar legends Ginger Lynn and Christy Canyon. Within the first minute Ginger had mounted David. Who knows what might have gone down in the Playboy Radio studio if the manager hadn't come in. Shortly after Christy had Daisy "juggling" her boobs, although the music wasn't really working out for that kind of task.

We did discuss Driver here and there throughout the 45 minute "interview." David told some funny stories of his adventures as Driver (all of which are, of course, described in great detail in the book!). He told about his favorite vivid memory of a drive down to Mexico in a van with 10 strippers, when after drinking along the way they all had to pee. Well, there aren't very good shoulders on the roads in Mexico, and... you'll have to either tune in to Christy and Ginger's show or read the book to find out what David has to tell about when they pulled over!

The highlight for me was when Ginger had me take of my shoes, socks, and glasses, let down my hair, and close my eyes. I put my feet into an empty kiddie pool and opened my eyes to see her with a penis-shaped funnel "peeing" all over my feet. I knew it was fake because it was icy cold. In fact, it was rather refreshing.

The debaucherous interview proceeded with more of the same kinds of sexual interruptions, but always back on track to discuss the fate of David's great story. Keep checking in to find out when we get this puppy published and where you can read it!

Contact us if you are looking for material.
Playboy Radio Blog

Plot Synopsis

DAVID GOLD is a college student, not even 21 years old. When a friend holds a bachelor party at Spanky’s Place, David tries to get in with his fake ID. The bouncer calls him out and David is left out in the cold. Until the bartender at the club, a friend of David’s friend, approaches David with another offer: to drive EVE, one of Spanky’s strippers, to a nearby party where she will dance. With no chance of getting into the nightclub, he accepts the offer. Little does he know how deeply immersed in this world he will soon become.

That very night David drives and acts as bouncer to another party, a “two-girl party.” At this party Eve introduces him to DANA, and the two women put on an explicit show. They show is cut short when the women feel violated by the crowd, and the three have to run out of the house while David scares off the crowd with Dana’s stun gun. Because he handles the pressure so well, David becomes Eve and Dana’s official driver, and starts working for them regularly.

From there David begins to network the stripper scene, meeting TINA and STEPH, who work together exclusively and put on the nastiest shows around. After a few PG-13 shows with Tina and Steph, David experiences there infamous shows: the girls figner the anus of party’s host, and urinate in front of the crowd. This show ends with another near-miss as the three have to run out of the party, the girls wearing only their robes.

Throughout the course of working as Driver, David acquires the knowledge of every aspect of the profession, including etiquette and planning, and learning the roles of the customers, the dancers and the driver. The entire process becomes so routine, that he can predict the behaviors of the customers. He begins to single out which men will be unruly, which will be aggressive, and which will hang back in the shadows. There are guys who provoke him, and there are guys who provoke the girls. As he learns to differentiate between the customer’s behaviors, he begins to learn to control possibly dangerous situations with his attitude and presence, rather than running off or zapping thee stun gun.

David then meets KENDAL, who’s from some small backward town in the Midwest. She originally came here to go to college but smokes weed all the time and quickly loses the motivation for a real education. She loves the Seinfeld show and will never work Thursday evenings between 7:00pm and 9:00pm. She begins to fall for David, which complicates things with David’s real girlfriend, MARIE. Luckily, Kendal’s love expires when she finds out that David hates weed and thinks Seinfeld is stupid.

The trouble with his girlfriend brews, and she decides she wants to accompany David on one of his nightly gigs. Since Marie works as a cocktail waitress at Spanky’s, it’s easy to convince Tina and Steph that Marie wants to come along to check it out because she’s thinking about stripping herself. When the night ends in one of the worst fiasco’s yet, Marie gives David an ultimatum: it’s being driver or having Marie.

David gives up his job and the good money to continue his relationship with Marie. Though he makes less money working more hours, they remain together. The final chapter shows David at his own bachelor party, and the reader then sees how David behaves when the roles are reversed.

Like the story? Contact us.

Excerpt from a Chapter

Now, the host of the party was an older man in his 50's I’d known for years through a fast-paced breakfast restaurant near the beach, where I waited tables. This man, I will call him Joe, came in every Sunday with his father for breakfast after church. They always ordered the same thing and mostly kept to themselves. Joe was very mild mannered and shy while his elderly father was more outgoing and quick to speak his mind. One Sunday I over heard them discussing a Christmas party Joe wanted to plan for his employees at a local tow truck and automotive repair shop. He told his father he wanted it be something really different, a party his guys would never forget. “You should just get a huge tub of eggnog and a couple of strippers. They’ll remember that,” his father suggested. After serving their food, I casually mentioned that, if he was serious about the strippers, “I could arrange the entertainment for your party.” I placed a card on his table, Live! Entertainment, Bachelor Parties and More. Joe said he would think about it and let me know.

Two days later he called and confirmed that he wanted two girls for the Christmas party at his work in one week.

“No problem… Now about the girls,” I asked, “what kind of show would you like? How…uhh…explicit do you want it to be? Do you have preferences on what the girls look like?”

“Well, what do you mean by look like?”

“If you have a preference for a certain hair color or ethnicity, that can usually be arranged,” I explained.

“I don’t care what they look like as long as they’re nasty,” he laughed to himself and continued, “I want the kind of show everyone will talk about for months afterward and won’t never forget. I want the girls to be pro-fessionals,” he stated, accentuating pro, “No holds barred.” As the night would unfold, it might have been better stated, “No holes barred.”

This surprised me; I thought of him as conservative from his reserved manner at the restaurant and pegged him for a PG-13 type show. I reminded him, “The nastier the show, the less traditionally attractive the girls.” He didn't care.

“Bring the homeliest ones,” he said (meaning make this show DIIIIIRTY).

“No problem. Is there anything at all that you may find offensive? Because once you’ve paid, there are no refunds.” I charged $450, because the show was going to be so nasty. This was a high price that I expected to be haggled down, but it wasn't. The girls were going to get paid $150 each ($25 more than their usual fee, so they were happy) and I made $150 before I even walked through the door. The other bonus was that the party was at Joe’s auto shop, right across the street from my apartment and the girls agreed to meet me there. I figured I’d net about $300.

It wasn’t until four o’clock that afternoon that Tina and Steph actually confirmed the party scheduled for 9:00pm that same evening. I had already let the host of the party know that everything was a go. So, as you can imagine, it was a relief to know the girls were definitely going to work it.

Once the girls confirmed, and we planned to meet at the party, I felt at ease. Everything was coming together. My roommate and best friend (a stout Mexican who we called Taco because he was, well, he was always eating tacos) was watching TV when everything was falling in place. Since this was going to be so easy and I was going to make so much money, I asked Taco if he wanted to help me at the party: “You can collect the money and work the CD. I’ll pay you twenty bucks an hour.” His eyes lit up and he said, "Boobies and money, hell yeah...but I should be paying you.” He glanced at the TV again, but continued, “Is there time to go shoot some pool before we go?”

We went down the street to have some dinner and play pool. Now, Taco has a few quirks regarding “respect” and there are sometimes when he will not let go. His main issue, for some reason, is people cutting in line, especially on a pool game. When he puts his quarters up, he knows exactly when it will be his turn. He will ask people around the table whose quarters are whose and exclaim, "I'm after that guy," so everyone is clear when it is his turn. Very strange. Anyway, once at the bar, we ordered some food then Taco went through his "tic" at the pool table. Our food took only a few minutes, and ten minutes after arriving we were chowing on burgers and wings, and watching college football.

Then Taco realized that, not only had some jack-off skipped his turn, the guy had used Taco’s quarters for the game. I didn’t want to get into any fights. We were supposed to work a party in two hours. Too late, Taco was already up in some big guy's face demanding an apology, his game, and two quarters. The big guy laughed at him, and Taco grabbed two pool sticks, throwing one to me. I found myself with my back to Taco's back as we both realized the big guy was there with about four other drunken swags. I knew the doorman wasn't going to be big help in bailing us out of this...he was notoriously passive and had only one arm.

Taco's philosophy of bar fighting is “a good defense is a proactive offense,” and he hit the big guy on the side of his head before I could even get my adrenaline going. This prompted the other four guys to jump in. We started swinging pool sticks like a couple of spastic kids at a piƱata party. The last thing I remember is putting my head down, swinging the pool stick and a voice shouting, “The cops are on their way!” I am notorious for blacking out when my adrenaline is pumping.

The next thing I knew, Taco and I were running across the street to our apartment as fast as we could. Once inside safely we checked to see if anyone followed us or if the police were actually coming. We were safe. I came down from the adrenaline rush a few moments later and felt a few knots on the back of my head and a fat lip. Taco wound up with a broken nose and a slight concussion. He dug in his pocket and pulled out two quarters and started to laugh, "At least I got my money back from that fuckin' bastard". Taco was unable to work the party due his injury, but agreed to stay on the sofa by the phone should I have any problems. I needed to rest; the party was in an hour. I went to the bathroom and threw up before I reclined in our lazy boy.

The time to leave for the party came all too quick. About ten to nine, I walked over to the repair shop. I looked down to the bar where the fight happened. The one-armed doorman waved and gave me the nod of “everything is okay.” He knew us and knew that we were not troublemakers (though I can’t say trouble didn’t often find us). I waved back and waited for the girls to show up.

Tina and Steph were the dirtiest girls I knew, but at that point I’d only heard rumors of their XXX shows, since I hadn’t worked with them myself. They were not particularly attractive girls. That’s not to say they were ugly, but they did not fit the typical mold for beautiful. What they lacked in looks, though, they made up for in personality and just plain nasty shows. They rarely put on a show without one another. I was curious to see one of these infamous shows for myself (and get paid for it). Tina and Steph showed up in separate cars at the same time. They got out of their cars and asked, "Are you the driver?" I answered yes, took their bags and walked into the party.

Inside, it smelled like car grease and spilled beer. All the tow truck guys and mechanics started to hoot and holler as the host, Joe, escorted us to the back office where I could put down the girls’ things and they could change. Tina and Steph were in their mid 30's. Tina was slender with brown hair and could easily have been someone's mother. Her body was tight but you could tell from her face that life was not nice to her. The same went for Steph. She was the epitome of an aging stripper. Bleached blond hair, ridiculously huge fake tits, and tons of make-up. She was thicker than Tina and really tan. Both of them were down to earth, approachable, and nice.

I collected the fee from the host, making sure the girls didn't see how much it was, not wanting my tip out to be affected. I saw that they had rigged a stage out of one of those car lifts used for work on axles. Everyone around the garage was in work garb, drinking beer. And once again nearly every person there was bigger than me. I wasn't too worried this time; I was near home where I had a back up, even if he was gimped out from being an ass-wipe. I also knew the host fairly well. Once back in the little office where the girls were, I paid them and they thanked me for the gig. We discussed the logistics of the party. I informed them that I will be watching their eyes and actions as a prompt to intervene should they become uncomfortable and urged them to let me know what I could do to make this as smooth as possible as this was my first time working with them. They smiled and said they certainly would and assured me that they have done this a million times and have a good feeling about these guys. I reminded them that they wanted the dirtiest show ever. Tina and Steph laughed and asked, "Are you sure"? I nodded, smiled and said, “They’re sure, but I’m not.” They laughed again as I went out to make change.

I walked the girls out to the makeshift stage when the first song started. It was heavy metal and rock and roll songs for all three sets. The girls got on stage and never stopped. They were pros and handled the crowd perfectly. So far, so good. This was the easiest show in a long time. They pranced around the garage, giving each guy a little dance and grabbing crotches and had already taken off all their clothes by the second song, which was highly unusual. The guys didn't seem to care what the girls looked like because, like I said, what they lacked in beauty, they made up for in sheer porn. Tips were everywhere and I bounced around picking them up. The girls just dropped the money and acted like they weren't concerned but I saw them making sure I was picking the money up and giving me little smiles that meant, “Good, good, everything is going well.”

The second set the girls pretty much stayed on the stage. They went out in skimpy thongs and cupless bras, but those came off pretty fast. They tore each other’s bits of clothing off during the first song. After they were both nude, they took turns licking and kissing each other and fingering each other’s pussies. Tina even stuck her pinky up Steph’s ass while Steph was standing up and Tina was on her knees with her face in Steph’s crotch. They were mechanical in their movements and had probably done the routine hundreds of times before. The crowd wasn’t concerned about this, if they noticed at all. The girls still seemed to be having fun and were mostly into the performance, but for the few glances to make sure I was doing my job and all was in order.

The girls had a huge bottle of baby oil they were using all over themselves and each other and pretty soon they were pushing huge dildos in and out each other. Every possible orifice had something crammed in there. They went down on each other, pulled anal beads from one another's sphincters, and oddly enough, open-mouthed kissed for long periods of time. Almost all the guys made their way to the stage, throwing money and having a great time. There was one really drunk guy who I had to prompt several times to not touch the girls and reminded him, “They can touch you, but you can't touch them.” I also told him to quit tipping Camel Bucks, “That’s just rude.” Except for him, the crowd was pretty quiet during this set, since most of them had probably never seen a show like this.

I’d gotten to the point in this industry where I could focus completely on my job, looking at the girls only to make sure things were okay while I gathered the tips and made sure the guys were behaving. I felt I’d seen pretty much everything. I was wrong. And this time I found myself watching the show more than I was watching the audience.

Want to read the rest of the chapter? Help us get our tale to the world by publishing this story from Chapter Five, or better yet, the whole novel! Contact us to find out more.

The Authors

David Gold

David Gold, now a Deputy Probation Officer, is a mandated reporter to the state, a trained observer. Gold traveled a long road to arrive in the position to protect the community and ensure a safe environment. In some ways this job is similar to his role as a driver for escort services and bachelor parties; he has always been a people watcher. His years as a driver allowed him many opportunities to observe human behavior; he did this for so long that people’s behavior became quite predictable. From the age of 19 to 30, Gold drove for dancers and escorts. He drove for bachelor parties, several escort services, strip-o-gram calls, and private parties. Gold’s role was much more than just a driver; he was a coordinator, protector, friend, therapist, and counselor.

Gold earned his B.A. in Psychology and Criminal Justice in 1993. After college he continued to work with those women with whom he had developed a good working relationship.

Daisy Lamar

Daisy Lamar has never worked in the sex industry, but has often pondered what it would be like. In an interview with a stripper at The Crazy Lady in Austin, Texas, Lamar first began to glimpse the world of sex workers. The stripper’s jokes about her bad childhood and her lesbian co-workers revealed the troubling and psychological aspect of this world to Lamar. This began her interest in uncovering this dark and mysterious world.

The relationship between Lamar and Gold affords the best of both worlds, combining the role of a professional observer with that of a professional writer. The combination of these two individuals and their talents provide a uniquely rich source of innovation and inspiration for this endeavor.

To email either of the authors, click their names above.