DAVID GOLD is a college student, not even 21 years old. When a friend holds a bachelor party at Spanky’s Place, David tries to get in with his fake ID. The bouncer calls him out and David is left out in the cold. Until the bartender at the club, a friend of David’s friend, approaches David with another offer: to drive EVE, one of Spanky’s strippers, to a nearby party where she will dance. With no chance of getting into the nightclub, he accepts the offer. Little does he know how deeply immersed in this world he will soon become.
That very night David drives and acts as bouncer to another party, a “two-girl party.” At this party Eve introduces him to DANA, and the two women put on an explicit show. They show is cut short when the women feel violated by the crowd, and the three have to run out of the house while David scares off the crowd with Dana’s stun gun. Because he handles the pressure so well, David becomes Eve and Dana’s official driver, and starts working for them regularly.
From there David begins to network the stripper scene, meeting TINA and STEPH, who work together exclusively and put on the nastiest shows around. After a few PG-13 shows with Tina and Steph, David experiences there infamous shows: the girls figner the anus of party’s host, and urinate in front of the crowd. This show ends with another near-miss as the three have to run out of the party, the girls wearing only their robes.
Throughout the course of working as Driver, David acquires the knowledge of every aspect of the profession, including etiquette and planning, and learning the roles of the customers, the dancers and the driver. The entire process becomes so routine, that he can predict the behaviors of the customers. He begins to single out which men will be unruly, which will be aggressive, and which will hang back in the shadows. There are guys who provoke him, and there are guys who provoke the girls. As he learns to differentiate between the customer’s behaviors, he begins to learn to control possibly dangerous situations with his attitude and presence, rather than running off or zapping thee stun gun.
David then meets KENDAL, who’s from some small backward town in the Midwest. She originally came here to go to college but smokes weed all the time and quickly loses the motivation for a real education. She loves the Seinfeld show and will never work Thursday evenings between 7:00pm and 9:00pm. She begins to fall for David, which complicates things with David’s real girlfriend, MARIE. Luckily, Kendal’s love expires when she finds out that David hates weed and thinks Seinfeld is stupid.
The trouble with his girlfriend brews, and she decides she wants to accompany David on one of his nightly gigs. Since Marie works as a cocktail waitress at Spanky’s, it’s easy to convince Tina and Steph that Marie wants to come along to check it out because she’s thinking about stripping herself. When the night ends in one of the worst fiasco’s yet, Marie gives David an ultimatum: it’s being driver or having Marie.
David gives up his job and the good money to continue his relationship with Marie. Though he makes less money working more hours, they remain together. The final chapter shows David at his own bachelor party, and the reader then sees how David behaves when the roles are reversed.
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